Can You Produce Custom Packaging Solutions or Custom Inserts for My Product or Brand?

How do I get a quote for a custom packaging or custom insert project?

Do you have a fantastic idea for an upcoming packaging project but require a more “custom” solution than our standard Fantastapack offerings? Or maybe you need a custom insert to hold your product? 

Fantastapack Pro is our new division at Fantastapack dedicated to taking your custom packaging to the next level. Work side-by-side with one of our Fantastapack Sales Strategists to add a custom design element to your packaging, including inserts, dividers, cutouts, and more.fpkPRO_Logo_standard

To request a consultation, visit and fill out our informational form. One of our team members will reach out shortly.

Please note: Our minimum order quantity for any custom design or insert project is 250-500 units, depending on the size of the box.